Dog Care and Advice

Health and care articles, training tips, activities, and more...


Why is my dog struggling to poo?
A common cause of constipation is mild dehydration, explains vet Vicky...
Care for your dog
Why does my dog always want more food?
Dog expert Tamsin explains why a reader's dog barks and jumps for more food after being fed and during play time...
Your dog's diet
After-care options once your dog has passed away.
When a much-loved dog passes away, the practicalities still have to be faced and dealt with. Karen Bush advises.
Care for your dog
Giving your dog the freedom of choice
When we talk of giving a dog a choice about whether he engages with us or not, and how he does this, we need to bear in…
Understand your dog
Make sure you and your dog are prepared for an emergency.
Floods and high winds seem to be becoming a regular occurrence in the UK — but as well as extreme weather conditions,…
Care for your dog
Enjoying walking adventures with your dog
Walking has physical and mental benefits for us and our dogs. It can also be a low-cost way to share quality time with…
Walking your dog
Travelling safely in the car with your dog
What are the options when it comes to travelling easily and safely in the car with your dog? Alison Gallagher-Hughes…
Dog Travel Advice
10 ways to make the most of your dog walks
They are brilliant for bonding and for discovering more about your environment, says top trainer and behaviourist Jackie…
Walking your dog
Time to say goodbye
The hardest decision you’ll ever need to make for your dog is to let him go when the time is right, says Karen…
Care for your dog