Travel Advice

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of dog travel advice articles, designed to make your canine adventures a breeze. Whether you're planning a road trip, embarking on a cross-country journey, or jet-setting to new horizons with your furry companion, our expert insights and practical tips offer invaluable guidance. From packing essentials to pet-friendly accommodation recommendations, health and safety considerations to stress-free travel strategies, we've got you covered at every step of your dog-friendly travel escapades. Explore our articles to ensure a smooth, enjoyable, and worry-free travel experience for both you and your beloved dog.

Summer dog travel advice
If you want to take your dog abroad with you this summer, “be prepared”, as the well-known Scout saying goes!
The best dog walks in Snowdonia
Steeped in culture, history, and heritage, Eryri National Park (formerly called Snowdonia) offers dog walkers a chance…
The best dog walks in the Peak District
Lying on the southern tips on the Pennines, the Peak District National Park features a landscape of stark gritstone…
The best dog walks in the Lake District
The Lake District has been a magnet to tourists since the early nineteenth century when poet William Wordsworth waxed…
A guide to dog-friendly places to stay
Once you’ve decided on an area you’d like to visit for that perfect dog-friendly holiday, the next thing to research is…
How dog friendly are Britain's National Trails?
One reader asks whether some trails in Britain are better than others for dog walkers.
Escape to the hills
Stunning scenery, peace and quiet, and wonderful walks — the Lake District is the perfect holiday destination for dog…
Settling your dog on holiday
Having just booked a dog-friendly holiday, if your pet has never stayed overnight anywhere else, how can you help him…
Camping with your dog
Camping is an adventure for both you and your dog. While you and the family can relish the great outdoors, your dog will…