Dog Breeds

Dog breed profiles - a complete list of dog breeds. Click here for advice on choosing the right dog...

Smooth Collie
The smooth collie is a handsome breed with a striking silhouette and soft expression, with a short, weatherproof coat.…
The Bergamasco is an ancient sheepdog breed that was originally found in Alpine regions, hence the shaggy coat.
Hungarian Puli
Also known as the Hungarian Water Dog, the Hungarian Puli is identified by its corded coat. An ancient herding breed who…
The Samoyed was originally a sled dog and reindeer herder, but has adapted to life as a pet relatively well.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog's roots can be traced back to before the Bronze Age. They belong to the pastoral group and…
Swedish Vallhund
A great all rounder who'll fit nicely into family life. Alert, playful and a good watchdog, the Vallhund is an easy dog…
Welsh Corgi Cardigan
Devoted, loyal and capable of a good day's work. Originally bred for cattle driving by nipping at their heels -…
Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed with an interesting bloodline, originating with a mixture of the now extinct…
Finnish Lapphund
The Finnish Lapphund is a pastoral breed that was used in its native Finland as a herder of reindeer. It is a Spitz type…
Cao Castro Laboreiro
The Cao Castro Laboreiro is native to Portugal and is one of the oldest European dog breeds, used for generations as a…
Norwegian Buhund
A member of the Spitz type breeds and conforming to many of the type's characteristics such as. They were initially bred…
Belgian Shepherd (Laekenois)
The Belgian Shepherd Laekenois is an intelligent and sociable breed that thrives under firm, fair leadership.
Belgian Shepherd (Malinois)
The Belgian Shepherd Malinois is an intelligent and sociable breed who thrives under firm, fair leadership.
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a cobby, strong, muscular dog with a long, harsh, shaggy-textured outer coat over a soft…
Pyrenean Sheepdog
The Pyrenean Sheepdog, also known as the Berger des Pyrenees, is seen in two varieties, the longhaired and the…
Belgian Shepherd (Tervueren)
The Belgian Shepherd Tervueren is an intelligent and sociable breed who thrives under firm, fair leadership.
Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael)
The Belgian Shepherd Groenendael is an intelligent and sociable breed who thrives under firm, fair leadership.
Border Collie
The Border Collie isn't for the novice dog owner - he needs time and dedication if he is to be a happy, well-balanced…
Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog is an intelligent playful breed. The dog's comical appearance sometimes distracts from its…
Australian Shepherd
The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent and versatile breed, they will respond well to human interaction and will get…
The Briard is a rugged, traditional French herding breed, and is considered to be full of energy and rather boisterous.
Bearded Collie
The Bearded Collie should be considered a sociable breed, they do not like to be left alone and form a strong attachment…
The Komondor was bred in its native Hungary to protect flocks from the danger of wolf attack. The Komondor is a large,…
German Shepherd
The sensitive and devoted German Shepherd is a dog of many talents and a true all-rounder.
Maremma Sheepdog
Still used as a working sheepdog in its native Italy, the Maremma is a proud breed and will not be submissive, rather…
Anatolian Shepherd
Its roots can be traced back to the mountainous regions of Turkey where it was bred to guard sheep and villages against…
Rough Collie
The Rough Collie is easily recognised because of their elegant good looks. The Rough Collie was made famous by the…
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
With his endearing fox-like face and extreme intelligence, the Corgi really does prove that the best things come in…
Shetland Sheepdog
Loyal, obedient, strong yet gentle. The Sheltie is a charming pet in the house - although it might try to herd the kids!
Lancashire Heeler
Assertive and active, compact and clever, could the Lancashire Heeler be the perfect canine companion for you?
Estrela Mountain
Another breed whose characteristics are closely tied into its working past. Estrela Mountain Dogs were used to guard…
Hungarian Kuvasz
The Kuvasz is an ancient breed, having worked the trade routes of the Urals. They found their way to Hungary, through…