Latest News

Catch up on the latest news, products and updates from the dog world. 

How Long Does It Take To Toilet-train A Puppy?
Right off the bat, no one answer fits all when it comes to the potty training duration for pups. Typically, it is…
How to avoid a ‘Halloween Horror Show’
Now that peak flea season is over it’s time to relax and forget about fleas and ticks until next year, right? Wrong!
Happy Howl-idays from Fish4Dogs®!
With Autumn upon us and darker nights fast approaching, it really is time to start planning for Christmas!
Helping a dog with mental health issues
It's World Mental Health Awareness Day on Monday October 10, 2022. But did you know, dogs can suffer from mental health…
Starting A Pet Photography Business: 12 Steps to Take for Success
Advice on how to run a successful and fulfilling Pet Photography Business.
Your Dog unveils ‘paw-fect’ gin with premium spirit maker Hotspur Gin
Your Dog has teamed up with top spirit manufacturer Hotspur Gin to offer dog lovers a range of bespoke premium gin and…