Latest News

Catch up on the latest news, products and updates from the dog world. 

What is National Pet Month?
National Pet Month runs throughout April and celebrates the many benefits (and raises awareness) of responsible pet…
New title added: Real Life Stories
Real Life Stories is the latest issue added to our collections, and features a selection of heart-warming readers'…
The importance of walking your dog
With spring just around the corner and warmer days ahead, it’s time to store away the winter boots, dust off those…
New title added: Breeds Around The World
In our newest collection, Carolyn Menteith travels the globe in search of some of the world’s most fascinating dog…
WSAVA alerts to emerging ‘Canine Welfare Crisis’ caused by the popularity of…
The Hereditary Disease Committee (HDC) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) have launched an…
Quick and Easy Training
Our latest collection - Quick and Easy Training - focuses on how you can still work on your dog’s brain and keep his…