Who would you invite to a doggy dinner party?


Editor's Picks
07 May 2015

Who would you invite to a doggy dinner party?

Who would your fantasy dinner guests be? We asked some of our experts and contributors which animal-lovers they'd invite to a dinner party and why.

Trainer and behaviour expert Carolyn Menteith:

  • Caroline Lucas - currently the only Green MP and the MP with the best record on animal welfare (I heard her talk a few years ago and she was inspiring).

  • Comedian Eddie Izzard - I mention his Pavlov's cats sketch when I am doing seminars on learning theory, and he is just such a funny, clever man.

  • Audrey Hepburn - while history only remembers her as being one of the most beautiful women who has ever lived, it often forgets her intelligence (she spoke six languages), her bravery (at 15 years old she danced secretly to raise money for the Dutch resistance and acted as a courier for them), and her compassion (she worked tirelessly for UNICEF, was a passionate supporter of animal rights, and shared her life with many dogs).

  • Rick Stein - great fun, dog lover, and you don't think I am going to cook, do you?!

Trainer, behaviourist, and author Jackie Drakeford:

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  • Dr Ian Dunbar - a leading light and pioneer of reward-based training and behaviour management, along with puppy socialising. His people skills equal his dog knowledge so conversation should flow effortlessly.

  • Colonel David Hancock - one of the world's foremost canine historians. He understands what makes dogs fit for purpose, and fearlessly challenges those who breed dogs with compromised conformation and movement. He possesses a wealth of material that proves how breeds used to look, and has hands-on knowledge of his subjects

Trainer and behaviourist Carol Price:

  • Prime Minister David Cameron - ideal opportunity to pin him down with a glass of wine and persuade him and his government to do an awful lot more to tackle the whole issue of animal abuse in this country - everything from totally outlawing puppy farming to giving far harder punishments to people who ill-treat animals.

  • Simon Cowell - apart from regaling us with fascinating insights into the whole celebrity world, he is also a true dog lover, and could also help me nag David Cameron even more about animal welfare!

  • Clarissa Baldwin - newly retired head of Dogs Trust who has done so much for dogs. A fabulous person and also great fun.

Author and journalist Andrea McHugh:

  • Animal-lover and presenter Clare Balding - I just need her to be my friend!

  • Noel ‘supervet' Fitzpatrick - there are no words!

  • Boris Johnson - he would just make me laugh so much.