Selecting the very best dog supplies for your pet


Editor's Picks
21 July 2020
If you have just brought a new dog or puppy home, you’ll want to ensure you can keep him fit and safe. Your new friend will hold a special place in your life and become an indispensable part of the family. You can look forward to hours of cuddling, and enjoying long walks with him.

While getting a new pet is very exciting, you may feel confused about whether you can successfully select the very best pet supplies to ensure his comfort. From the best quality dog collars to the comfiest beds, dogmount offers handmade products that can be customised, made from premium quality leather.

Choosing the best dog products 

If you are new to pet parenting, you may be wondering what supplies your canine friend will need. We have come up with some essential dog products, plus things you need to bear in mind to help you make the best buying decision. 

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Dog collars and leads — must-have accessories

Your dog will need to wear a collar from the day you bring him home. You will be overwhelmed by the variety of collars available. Irrespective of the type you choose, make sure you get one made of a quality material like genuine leather. Leather products are durable and breathable, so they don’t cause any irritation or inflammation of the skin of your dog’s neck.

Leads are another important walking tool you’ll need to get. Again, there are so many varieties, but consider whether you need one to go walking or hiking with your dog, or for training sessions, and get one made of a quality material that offers a solid clasp and is comfortable to handle.  

Dog toys — to keep him happy

Dog toys are essential to keep your dog entertained. You need to buy toys based on your dog’s personality, breed, age, environment, and activities. Balls, tug toys, chew toys, whatever kind you purchase, make sure they are safe, long-lasting, and fun, and they are suitable for your dog’s size. 

If you end up buying too many toys, try storing some of them out of the way and reintroduce in the future. 

Comfy bed

 When choosing a pet bed, keep your dog’s health, age, size, and personality in mind. Ensure you pick a padded and correctly sized bed so that he can lie in comfort in every natural position. For example, a small breed puppy might like a ‘snuggle bed’ in which he can keep warm. If you don’t want the bed to get damp, buy a waterproof variety. If your dog has any health issues, he may need a specific type of pet bed; for instance, dogs with arthritic problems may need an orthopaedic foam bed. 

ID tags — to ensure safety

Your dog will need an identification tag attached to his collar. It should include your name, address, and contact information.  

Dog grooming products

When purchasing grooming products, ensure you buy those specifically produced for dogs. A pet grooming set should include a comb, dog shampoo and conditioner, nail clippers, ear cleaning solutions, a bristle brush, a slicker brush, scissors etc.

Food and water bowls

You will find many varieties of bowls for your canine friend, made of ceramic, plastic, or stainless steel, each having its benefits and downsides. Plastic bowls may seem inexpensive, but they usually harbour bacteria in the dented portions; ceramic bowls can be bulky and you need to check that the glaze is lead-free.

Bowls made of stainless steel may seem costly, but they are the most practical choice considering the ease of washing, sanitising, and durability. 

You always want the best pet supplies for your beloved dog. Make sure you purchase from a store that offers a vast assortment of quality dog products.