RSPCA appeals for information after dog is tied to a tree in flooded area and abandoned


Editor's Picks
05 November 2021
The RSPCA is appealing for information after a Staffordshire Bull Terrier was found tied to a tree in a flooded area in Croydon.

The female dog, now named Lorraine by RSPCA staff, was found off Kestral Way in New Addington in the old Pitch and Putt site on an unused footpath which had become severely flooded. She had been tied to a tree by a metal lead and was scared and barking.

Torrential rain had formed a river around her on the footpath which was approximately 1.5ft deep.

RSPCA Inspector James Whipps attended and rescued the dog on Sunday 31 October. 

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He said: “This poor dog was terrified when I arrived. The area was completely flooded around her and she’d been tied to a tree and abandoned. I rescued her and took her to our RSPCA Leybourne Animal Centre in Kent where she is now getting some much needed TLC.

“We know that people’s circumstances may change which means they can no longer care for their pets but there is never an excuse to abandon an animal like this. This dog was scared and cold and in danger due to the flooding. Abandoning a dog like this is just cruel.

“I’d urge anyone who saw anything in the area or who recognises this dog to please contact us, in strictest confidence, on the inspectorate appeal line on 0300 123 8018.”

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