Protect your dog and your home from a flea infestation


Editor's Picks
07 August 2019
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No dog owner wants fleas on their beloved pet or in their home, which is why flea treatment is so important. Any gap in treatment provides fleas with an opportunity to complete their life cycle, which is when you’re at risk of a flea infestation.

Did you know, only 5% of a flea infestation is on your dog?

The other 95% is in your home, and this is made up of flea eggs, flea larvae and flea pupae. While many spot-on flea treatments will kill adult fleas on your dog, they do not affect the other life stages. To protect your home as well, you could use a household flea spray. Or, there is an even easier way, which will allow you to get the job of flea control done in one simple spot-on solution.

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Kill even more fleas with Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO

Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO is a vet strength spot-on medicine that works on your pet and in your home. Unlike some spot-on flea treatments, Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO is what is known as a combination flea treatment. This means it contains a combination of active ingredients that target multiple stages of the flea life cycle.

How does Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO work?

Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO contains fipronil and S-methoprene. Fipronil kills the adult fleas living on your pet. It works by affecting the flea’s nervous system which causes hyperexcitation and death. This is why you may appear to see ‘more fleas’ on your dog shortly after treatment – this is the hyperexcitation stage.

S-methoprene is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), which prevents flea eggs and flea larvae from developing. It works on your pet and in your home. Flea eggs come into contact with the S-methoprene as they fall through your dog’s coat in the environment. They will then be unable to hatch. As your treated pet moves around the home they shed skin cells and hair coated in S-methoprene. Flea larvae in the environment will feed on this, and then be unable to develop any further.

Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO is ideal for flea prevention. If you already have an active flea infestation you will need to use a household flea spray, such as Beaphar FLEAtec Household Flea Spray. This will help speed up the destruction of the flea life stages already in your home.

If you want advice on fighting an active flea infestation, read Beaphar's 5-step plan.

What else can I do to protect my dog and home from fleas?

To keep your dog and home protected, you must follow a regular flea control routine. Whether that is through a combination on-animal flea treatment, like Beaphar FIPROtec® COMBO, or an on-animal flea treatment and a household flea spray, you MUST stick to it.

Fleas often carry a type of tapeworm, so you need to worm your dog regularly too. Adult dogs should be wormed once every three months to keep them worm-free. Younger pets will need worming more regularly.

Beaphar WORMclear® is a vet strength wormer for cats and dogs which is also available over the counter in pet shops and online. The tablets kill roundworms and tapeworms in one simple dose. And the delicious, meaty flavour means most dogs will take them willingly.