New dog owners are struggling with controlling their dogs


Editor's Picks
14 June 2021
Shocking statistics show scale of canine abandonment

Thousands of new owners are planning to give up the dogs they acquired during lockdown because they’re struggling to train them, according to a survey.

Research by Burns Pet Nutrition revealed Britain is facing a flood of dumped dogs, with one in four people who bought a pandemic pet unable to control them.

Worryingly, the statistics show more than a third of new owners are concerned about their pet’s behaviour when meeting other people and animals, fearing their dog will bite a stranger.

Gill White, from Berkshire-based shelter The Border Collie Spot, expects a rush of owners returning their dogs to rescues once the final lockdown restrictions have been lifted.

“Rescue centres across the UK are at breaking point,” she said. “Something has to be done now otherwise we aren’t going to be able to support these dogs.”

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To help reduce the number of dogs being given away, the Kidwelly-based pet food company has launched The Burns Dog School, an online resource offering advice and tips to overcome common training challenges. 

“I’ve yet to see a dog who can’t be trained,” said founder and vet John Burns. “So, don’t give up too easily.”

If you are struggling to train your dog, check out our advice section here-