Let's get fit!


Editor's Picks
01 January 2013

Here's some advice and tips to keep in mind:

  • When exercising, look for any signs of discomfort or stress in your dog - be aware that dogs don't automatically slow down when they get tired.
  • Dogs should always have plenty of water available to keep them properly hydrated.
  • Always take first aid kits - human and canine - when going out and about and exercising.
  • It's important to check dogs over after exercise for any abrasions on paws and pads, particularly if you've been for a long country walk.
  • Be careful when exercising puppies as they don't need much - don't do lengthy runs or jumping until their growth plates are closed (about 12 months for small breeds and up to 18 – 24 months for large and giant breeds).

 Fancy trying something a bit different with your dog in 2013?

There are so many doggy sports and activities around including agility, flyball, and heelwork to music which always prove popular.

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Here are some other ideas for you to consider:

  • Rally obedience - this involves a dog and handler navigating their way through a sequence of exercises called stations; each station gives a command which is mounted on to a stand. Dogs of all sizes, ages, and abilities can have a go.
  • Cani-cross - a cross-country sport where owners run with their dogs. CaniX UK, the official body for the sport in this country, organises regular events.
  • Dash 'n' splash - a modern canine sport where dogs do a long jump into a pool of water. Events are held at various shows and exhibitions in the UK.
  • If you want to try some specific exercises, squats and lunges are good for humans, while hide and seek, chase, and throw and fetch will benefit both you and your dog.
  • Set up a number of low jumps in the garden and run over the jumps together with your dog.

Have fun blowing those cobwebs away!