Iconic landmarks transform into landbarks as nation says #THANKYOUDOGS


Editor's Picks
09 February 2021
YuMOVE is helping the nation thank and celebrate 10m British dogs by transforming iconic landmarks into landbarks, shining a spotlight on our doggie heroes that helped us every day to get through the pandemic.

Overnight, a pack of dogs in all shapes and sizes decorated the capital’s most recognisable

buildings. Marble Arch, the Tower of London and Senate House’s famous facades were adorned with pooch projections and messages of grrrrrrrrrratitude.  

In 2020, dogs offered unwavering love, companionship and affection. From lockdown walkies with leaping Labradors, to cosy couch cuddles with Corgis, new research commissioned by YuMOVE reveals the heroic role our furry friends played as the nation faced the challenges created by COVID-19 . 

YuMOVE asked 1,000 dog owners to bark about how much their dogs meant to them in 2020, revealing:

They brought a smile to our faces when we needed it the most:

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  • More than half of owners (54%) said that they wouldn’t have smiled in 2020 without their canine companions
  • Just under half (42%) said that life would have been unbearable without their beloved pet Nearly all (87%) said that their relationship with their dog improved in 2020
  • A third (31%) confessed that spending quality time with their dog was the highlight of their year

They improved our physical and mental wellbeing:

  • Over half of the owners (52%) mentioned that 2020 would have been lonely without their
  • 61% said that owning a dog gave them a reason to get out of the house to exercise
  • 37% claimed walking their dog was their only form of exercise

They gave us a purpose:

  • Just under half (41%) of people admitted that their dog gave them a reason to get up in the morning
  • 44% said that walking their dog was the highlight of the day
  • A third (32%) of people said that dogs stopped them from missing their family and friends

Peter Purves, national treasure and YuMOVE ambassador said: “My entire life has been spent alongside dogs and, last year, we needed them more than ever. For so many owners, dogs provided a vital lifeline and played a heroic role during the pandemic. That is why we’re shining the spotlight on them by redecorating these incredible buildings. In 2021, let’s continue to thank our dogs.”

YuMOVE’s pooch projections are running as part of the brands #ThankYouDogs campaign. The campaign, that supports the incredible efforts of animal charity StreetVet, encourages dog owners to share their tall, short and shaggy dog stories across Facebook or Instagram using #ThankYouDogs. For every story posted, YuMOVE will donate £1 to the charity.