Heart-warming video of dog ‘hugging’ rescuer as she learns how to love after sad life


Editor's Picks
24 May 2021
Labradoodle who’d only ever known life inside a crate is learning how to love

A dog who spent six years shut inside a crate and was initially terrified of everyone moved RSPCA staff to tears after ‘hugging’ one of her rescuers.

The Labradoodle - whose name the charity isn’t releasing due to ongoing enquiries - was signed over by her previous owners in February. She spent the first six years of her life shut in a crate with her doggie friend, who has also been taken in by Martlesham Animal Centre in Suffolk.

Animal centre manager Zoe Barrett said: “Both dogs were terrified when they arrived here. It’s taken our kennel team a long time to gain their trust but they’re still a long way from being ready for rehoming.

“Kennel assistant Lucy has spent a lot of time with them and has seen them come on leaps and bounds, although they’re still incredibly frightened of the outside world.

“Now, when Lucy goes into the kennel this sweetheart rushes forward and puts her paws onto her shoulders; the first time it happened it moved us all to tears. It’s as if she wants to be really close to Lucy and shown love, probably for the first time in her life.”

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The centre staff will be working with the dogs to help prepare them for adoption. They won’t be ready for applications for some time so please don’t contact the centre to enquire yet.

To help the Suffolk East & Ipswich branch continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals, please donate online.