FRONTLINE Plus-sized Dog ‘Titch’ takes London and Crufts by surprise!


Editor's Picks
19 March 2018
Flea eggs are tiny and can be hard to spot by the naked eye so to help raise much needed awareness of flea egg infestations in the home, the makers of FRONTLINE® Plus are casting a new perspective on the problem with the creation of a FRONTLINE® Plus-sized dog — Titch!

By prompting pet owners to take a closer look at the issue of fleas and their eggs they will ensure pets are protected ahead of the warmer weather, when fleas and ticks are most active.

Titch was first revealed in London and stopped the crowds on Primrose Hill and the Millennium Bridge, before setting off to this year’s Crufts where she and was an enormous hit. Stand visitors were encouraged to step into an over-sized living room, cosy up on an extra-large couch and meet Titch for a selfie. The whole stand was oversized to magnify the issue of fleas, and most importantly, their eggs that fall off pets, like salt from a shaker.

Celebrity vet Marc Abraham also joined the stand on Saturday, where he took part in an exclusive Q&A answering questions that pet owners had around the issue of fleas/ flea eggs and general pet health.

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More than half (54%) of our beloved pets have suffered from fleas at least once, according to the ‘Take A Closer Look’ research by FRONTLINE Plus*. If a pet has fleas, chances are the owner’s home will have a flea egg infestation too. Despite this, 95% of pet owners are unaware that a single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, which fall off their pet into the home before hatching and causing an infestation.

Titch has now set off on a tour pharmacy and pet retailers throughout the UK over March and April. Look out for her - to be honest you can’t miss her!

Take a look at what Titch got up to in London in the video below.

If you have any questions on fleas or ticks hop over to the FRONTLINE website, and follow them on Facebook @frontlinepethealth or Instagram