Advice for owners during severe rainfall alert


Editor's Picks
05 July 2012

The Met Office has issued severe weather rainfall alerts from today until the weekend. How can you make sure your pet is safe?

Charity Dogs Trust offers some flooding advice for concerned dog owners:

  • If you know of any neighbours, relatives, or friends who have pets and might be affected by the flooding, contact them to offer assistance.
  • If there is any risk to pets kept outside bring them indoors. They will be scared and unsure of the situation and will need reassurance.
  • Owners should ensure they know where their pets are at all times and if appropriate, move them to a safer location either inside the house or outside the house (such as with friends or relatives).
  • Remember that flood water may contain raw sewage and so often contains all sorts of contamination. Try to keep your pet out of flood water as any toxins or bacteria could remain on your pet if swallowed.
  • If your dog does get caught up in flood water or falls into a flooded area please do not jump in after them.
  • If you have been affected by flooding and need someone to care for your dog, contact friends and family in the first instance. If this is not possible, get in touch with your local authority but be aware that lots of organisations, including councils, may also be affected by the flooding and may not be able to offer immediate help.
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