5 top tips for your dog this Valentine's Day


Editor's Picks
28 January 2019
It's great to celebrate Valentine's Day, but all those gifts, flowers, and chocolates could potentially harm your dog. Take a look at these top tips...
  1. Balloons, ribbons, and bows from bouquets and gifts could be an interesting thing for your dog to chew on, but they could cause serious problems with his digestive system if ingested.
  2. Flowers such as lilies, chrysanthemums, primroses, and agapanthus are all deadly to dogs, and other plants, such as roses, could also cause issues.
  3. A good way to spoil your pet on Valentine’s Day is to treat him to his favourite meal (be careful not to overfeed him) or just take him on an extra-long walk and spend some special one-to-one time with him.
  4. If you’re making your other half a romantic dinner, make sure that you don’t give him any human foods, or keep him away when cooking or eating. It’s also important to keep him away from alcohol and candles.
  5. Chocolate is extremely dangerous and harmful to dogs, so keep any Valentine’s Day sweet treats away from your four-legged friend. If your dog does manage to get hold of something that he shouldn’t, make sure that you take him to the vet immediately.
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