Your Dog - August 2024 issue

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Your Dog - August 2024 issue

On Sale: 04/07/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Packed into the August 2024 issue Your Dog:


  • Breathtaking views – the glorious Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland.
  • Dog-friendly diary and places to visit with your dog.
  • Spotted – the latest dog pics from around the world.
  • South Wales’s luxury dog hotel opens its doors!
  • The bush dog – small, elusive and bear-like.
  • Spotting the signs of heat exhaustion in your dog.


  • Community – photos of your dogs on the beach!
  • Travel – dog-friendly accommodation to suit all budgets.
  • Breeds – the cheeky, loveable Beagle.
  • Nutrition – the power of protein.
  • Rescue dogs – more gorgeous dogs looking for homes.
  • Giveaways – Win a two-night stay with your dog at The Crown Hotel in Harrogate!


  • Me and my dog – a Labrador undergoes emergency surgery.
  • Pet abduction – Andrea McHugh reports on the new Pet Abduction Bill.
  • A-Z of summer dangers – Vicky Payne tells us what dangers to be aware of.
  • Enrichment – Tony Cruse explains the benefits of enrichment for our dogs.
  • Canine adolescence – Jackie Drakeford reminds us that it’s just a phase!
  • Why is my dog a poor traveller? Toni Shelbourne explains some of the reasons behind this problem.

And much more!