Your Dog Magazine June 2022

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Issue Summary

The first ever National Dog Survey (NDS) by canine charity Dogs Trust was completed by nearly 350,000 people, and has revealed some fascinating insights to the changing face of dog ownership, and the challenges that lie ahead. A staggering 3.2 million extra dogs joined families during lockdown, and Dogs Trust launched the NDS to help the charity develop its understanding of dogs and their owners, establish their needs, and help them in the future. To find out more about what the survey has revealed, and read our interview with one of the new breed of dog owners.

On Sale: 05/05/2022

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

The first ever National Dog Survey (NDS) by canine charity Dogs Trust was completed by nearly 350,000 people, and has revealed some fascinating insights to the changing face of dog ownership, and the challenges that lie ahead. A staggering 3.2 million extra dogs joined families during lockdown, and Dogs Trust launched the NDS to help the charity develop its understanding of dogs and their owners, establish their needs, and help them in the future. To find out more about what the survey has revealed, and read our interview with one of the new breed of dog owners, turn to page 10.

The stoicism of dogs is no secret, but their ability to bounce back from illness and accident is remarkable, and often has us all reflecting on how much we can learn from our canine companions. On page 16 this issue, we’ve highlighted the stories of three dogs who’ve overcome life-changing injuries and made amazing recoveries — the epitome of canine courage!

Having your dog stolen is devastating. During the pandemic, there was a lot of media focus on the issue of dog theft, which gave it a high profile and led to a greater awareness of the problem. On page 32 we have an update on the latest statistics and explore how we can all help ourselves and others, by sticking together, introducing some new routines around our homes, and supporting the organisations that are working so hard to beat the dog thieves!

Finally, if you’re looking forward to getting out and about a bit more with your dog now that summer’s here, let’s hope your pet is feeling equally enthusiastic! Going anywhere in the car with a dog who is travel sick and/or anxious and stressed about car travel is no fun at all. Turn to page 14 for some tips and advice on how you can make things better for your pet and, hopefully, get back to enjoying your outings.