Dog-friendly pancake recipe


Editor's Picks
This recipe is really simple and only requires three ingredients.

Veterinary surgeon at pet wellness brand Pooch & Mutt, Dr Linda Simon, has shared her favourite dog-friendly pancake recipe so you can safely include your furry friend this Shrove Tuesday.

Linda says, “The recipe is really simple and only requires three ingredients. Whilst I wouldn’t recommend pancakes as a regular treat, they are, along with all of the ingredients,  completely safe for your dog in small amounts.”

The Recipe

• One ripe and sweet banana

• One egg (shell can be included if you like)

• 100g of plain flour*

* “As flour is usually made from wheat, use an alternative if your dog is intolerant or allergic to grains. Good options include coconut flour or almond flour.”



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The Method

• Mash the ripened banana with a fork until a smooth consistency.

• Add the egg and flour, beating until a smooth batter is formed.

• This batter can be fried like a classic pancake or cooked in a waffle maker. If frying, use a small amount of coconut or olive oil. It can be useful to use an oil spray, meaning only a few drops are used to grease the pan and prevent sticking.

“For dogs prone to pancreatitis, steer clear of the oil altogether.”




• Xylitol-free peanut butter

• Greek yoghurt (xylitol-free)

• Honey

• Banana

• Blueberries

• Apples

• Strawberries

• Mangoes

• Your dog's favourite treats


“No pancake is complete without toppings, however, many of our favourites, such as chocolate sauce, lemon, nuts, maple syrup and cream, are not safe to be ingested by our four-legged friends. Thankfully, there are many other options to choose from in order to make your pooches pancakes a little more exciting.”, says Dr Simon.



Ingredients to stay away from

• Toxins like raisins, grapes, chocolate and macadamia nuts

• Dairy cream. Most adult dogs are lactose intolerant, and dairy can cause a stomach upset

• Sugar or syrup. While a sweet treat for us, it has no real nutritional value and can contribute to weight gain

• Lemon or lime. These citrus fruits are not well tolerated by dogs, and their juice is not easily digested.


Further advice from Dr Linda Simon

When it is time to serve up, make sure you allow the pancake to cool to room temperature first. Otherwise, the smell may be so delectable that your dog chomps it down before giving it time to cool, which could burn their mouth or even lead to oral ulcers. Make sure your dog doesn’t overindulge. A small dog should only get a few bites of a pancake, while a giant breed would be able to eat a whole pancake with ease. Feeding too many pancakes can lead to an upset stomach and bloating.