Bloodhound Breed Profile

Bloodhound dog breed profile

KC Group Hound

Size Large

Good with children? Unknown

Good guard dogs? Would bark

Moulting level Low

Grooming Light

Exercise requirement Lots

Jogging partner No

Bloodhound Breed Profile

The Bloodhound possesses an incredible tracking ability and is widely in use as police and search and rescue dogs.

They are very vocal but not at all aggressive, the Breed Standard describes them as "somewhat reserved and sensitive" making them an ideal companion breed.

About the Bloodhound

While many people doubt the intelligence of the Bloodhound (including virtually anyone who has taken one to a dog training class!), this is a breed with a truly remarkable nose. Researchers have estimated that a Bloodhound’s nose consists of approximately 230 million olfactory cells, or ‘scent cells’ — 40 times the number in humans. Whereas our olfactory centre is about the size of a postage stamp, a Bloodhound’s can be as large as a handkerchief, which makes a Bloodhound’s nose one million times more sensitive than a human’s.

A Bloodhound can follow a trail that is over two days old, and, in some states of the US where he is used to track criminals, his ‘evidence’ in court is classed as absolute. One famous Kentucky Bloodhound, called Nick Carter, was responsible for the capture of more than 600 fugitives. In one case, the trail was more than 104 hours old (more than four days), and in another the trail ran for 138 miles. Now that’s clever!

Bloodhound character

The Bloodhound is excellent with children, affable and sweet in nature. Its friendliness makes it a relatively poor guard dog but an excellent companion. Care should be taken when letting them off the lead as they will follow any scent they decide is interesting enough and once they've picked it up they won't let go easily. They are relatively difficult to train due to their independent character although if you can present them with suitable challenges they will remain interested.

Bloodhound size

Measuring between 63-69cm in height for dogs and 58-63cm for bitches the Bloodhound is a large breed. They're also particularly long in the body.

Bloodhound health

Attention should be paid to their general weight and size as rapid growth can exacerbate joint and muscular problems in the breed. As with most large dogs they are prone to Bloat.

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Bloodhound care

Exercise should be limited during its youth to help lessen the risk of muscular and joint problems. Care should also be taken to keep eyes and ears clear to minimise the risk of infection.

Remember! All breed profiles are general and every dog is an individual.